Parma Clima for our local community

Our commitment in Parma, from sportsculture and volunteering

Sport is our passion. Supporting it means believing in its values, in sharing and being a team.

We always cheer our athletes, from those of Serie A to grassroot ones, who boldly play for our city with perseverance, enthusiasm and dedication, proving how sport has a central spot in our land, something that belongs to all of us.

foto vittoria squadra Parmaclima


We are the official sponsors of Parma Baseball, we are there on the pitch with them and we grow together, match after match, year after year. We are one great team, an extended family bearing the name Parma Clima.


We follow passionately our city’s football team. Parma Clima’s green is indeed made up of two primary colours: yellow and blue, and we support and cheer our team in every championship.


We believe that sport’s true values can shine in the simplest and most genuine environments. Oltretorrente Baseball and Basket San Secondo are just two of the teams that we have been sponsoring. We are proud to support a world that through sports and volunteering expresses the values of integration and acceptance.

Our area breathes art, history, culture: this wealth makes Parma a genuine diamond with a thousand facets.

With our support we want to express care and respect for this city that has so much to offer. Believing in culture means continuing to feed its beauty, and being aware of its deep roots.

PARMA 2020 +21

Once again this year we are leaders: Parma is the Italian Capital of Culture and we are proud to sponsor it. In spite of this critical and challenging period, we are hopeful that this recognition can contribute to increasing the richness and value our city offers. In such deeply dark time, its light means hope: as the Manifesto of Parma 2020 (+21) states, culture is the beat of time.


Giuseppe Verdi is a symbol of our city. The Club of 27, “lair” of Verdi’s enthusiasts and connoisseurs, brings back to life his operas, each  personified in a club member. Every year on the occasion of the Fuoco di gioia concert, we sponsor a charity event with the performance of the most illustrious figures of the international opera scene.


We strongly believe in promoting culture and we are pleased to support local shows and events, like the La via delle forme (The Path of Forms) exhibition. Viaggio tra i mestieri di Parma (A Journey Through the Crafts) that showcases the evolution of crafts that have woven our city’s entrepreneurial  fabric, told by its most famous representatives  (Parmigianino, Ennemond Alexandre Petitot, Giambattista Bodoni, Giuseppe Verdi, Luigi Vaghi and Bernardo Bertolucci).

We have always supported voluntary service associations because we believe in solidarity, in cooperation and in all those values that emerge from genuine intentions.

A volunteer’s commitment is expression of deep care for others, a sensitivity ever more precious and necessary.


Throughout the years, we have supported scores of events. Among those, we would like to recall Festa dei Lavoratori of CGIL Parma, the “Trofeo Lenza Bibbianese” in Novi (MO), and the “Palio delle Contrade” of San Secondo Parmense (PR).